
5 Simple Steps to Start a Blog

start a blog

WordPress is one of the easiest platforms to use in terms of web hosting and blogging. However, many people believe that creating a self-hosted WordPress blog is somehow difficult! The fact is that you can create a basic WordPress blog in less than 20 minutes. Here are the steps that you need to know in order to start a blog using WordPress, one of the easiest and most intuitive templates on the market today.

1. Get the Raw Materials

In order to host yourself using WordPress, you will need to get a domain name. You will also need to set up a hosting account in order to give your blog a place to “live.” Your place in the cloud will be your perfect little space to rent in order to install the WordPress software.

First, make the purchase of the URL name that you want from a reputable dealer if you want. You may simply choose to remain using the default WordPress name that is given to you automatically upon sign up. However, getting a distinct URL can help with search engine optimization and branding efforts.

Second, choose your web host based on the factors that you deem to be most important. If your blog is just a place to post random thoughts, then a shared web host may be enough for you. If you are planning to optimize your site and fill it with information, then you may want to look at a VPS or a dedicated hosting solution. The more resources that you require for your site, the more money that you will most likely spend.

Follow the easy instructions on WordPress after you have picked your URL and your web host that will allow you to connect your URL to the WordPress site that you have just created. Fill in the appropriate boxes and make sure that you fill in everything before proceeding.

2. Install WordPress on your Computer

wordpress logo

The web host that you choose will likely have an option to install WordPress on your computer. You will need to do this in order to self-host. Read the terms and conditions that you will need to follow in order to use the WordPress service. Directions at this point will vary slightly based upon the web hosting solution that you have chosen; however, all of the major web hosts will have an easy WordPress option that you can find a specific process for online.

3. Log in to WordPress

Click on the Admin URL link in order to go directly to the WordPress login page. Enter your user name and password here. There will be a small button that is called “Remember Me” that needs a check mark. Click it and then click the button that says “Log In.”

Once you do this, you will be directed to the dashboard of WordPress. This is known as the back end of WordPress. Your blog readers will never see this part of your blog, but it is where you will affect everything that your blog readers do see on the public website.

Once you log in, your next step is to pick a theme. Your theme will serve as the backdrop for the aesthetic of your site. You can change a theme around or leave it the same – using themes makes the look of your website easy. All that you really have to do is have an eye for a great template!

wordpress themes

There are plenty of beautiful and completely free themes that are available immediately with the WordPress log in package. You can begin by picking one of these themes to start out your blog production journey. Once you become more comfortable with the process, then you can move forward to picking a third party theme or even paying for one with an added feature set.

4. Begin Writing your Posts!

Look for the “Posts” heading in your dashboard. There will be an option that is named “Add New.” This will take you to the New Post screen. Enter the title of your blog in the long horizontal box at the top of the page. You can then begin to write the meat of your post in the box below. Hitting the “Publish” button will take your post live; however, you will still have the ability to edit the post in the future.

5. View your Post in Order to Check it

In order to see what your blog readers will see, all that you have to do is click on the link in your dashboard that says “View Post.” WordPress will open up a brand new browser tab and load your front end WordPress blog into it. From here, you will be able to see exactly what your font and background look like and choose the appropriate theme for your tastes.

Bookmark your blog so that you can find it easily. You may forget the web page for your back end, so it is a good idea to bookmark it as soon as possible. It is also great to bookmark the front end. If you follow all of the directions in this article, then you will have your own self-hosted blog that you can edit at any point in time. Have fun posting your opinion to the world!

You will find many things that will help to improve your look once you start a blog; however, the first step is in starting it! Congratulations on getting yourself in the door. Create great content for a loyal audience and the sky will be the limit for you.


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